Jumat, 17 Januari 2020

TRON Dev Team, TRONZ, Forks ZCash’s Privacy Tech, Zk-SNARKs To Add to MainNet

TRONZ team is set to implement privacy protocol which is poised to be the biggest Multi-party Computation in blockchain’s history. Tron states that a setup ceremony will be held soon claiming that it will become a Guinness World Record.
TRONZ is made up of community developers who have come up with the anonymity protocol found in TRON’s main chain. Now, the team is finally through with public testing as well as testnet and is now set to introduce anonymous transaction in the TRON MainNet. Currently the TRONZ team is looking at the MainNet MPC process and in the coming days it will roll on MPC Torch Project based on the MPC process.
Cointelegraph reports that the project aims at integrating Zk-SNARKs which is the main privacy protocol found in Zcash (ZEC), within the Tron blockchain. Although the team boasted that the implementation of the new technology is the most efficient, there were no technical details given about the protocol.
The main aim of the TRONZ is to launch the privacy protocol to enhance Tron smart contracts which will enable developers to roll on private data within the smart contracts. Also, the team looks forward to provide blockchain-based MPC solution to enhance private computing needs.
An analysis of Tron GitHub page indicates that different repositories were directly forked or copied from the source code of Zcash. Most of the repositories meant for privacy looks like they have not been updated for a couple of months. The MPC code was also directly copied from Zcash. However it is probable that the TRONZ team was more concerned with the original Tron repositories meant to integrate the privacy protocol.

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